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We Offer Custom Print & Packaging Solutions with Personalized Care.

5 Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Product Box For Your Brand


1. Just what is a custom product box?


A custom printed box is a sharp way to put your product on display and be noticed. Hello, it’s me! It’s the first words you get to say to your new customer.

Your custom product box communicates your brand… instantly.

With just-the-right colors… inviting typography… bundled with amazing pizzazz.

Yet this outside bundle does so much more.

Aside from its job of convincing your customer to take it home with them, your custom product box has a very practical side.

2. How well does it travel?

All product packaging sample-product-box-hemphas to travel. It transports your product on a plane, in a truck, up a forklift, on a train (well maybe not a train). But you get the idea. The packaging must transport easily and with the least amount of damage.

Look specifically for materials that are purposed for strength. Whether you are packaging a bulky product or a fragile product, select the shape and strength that protects your innovative commodity to the max.

Plan the sturdiness to last through the rest of its job… including being placed on a retail shelf sporting its message to stand out from the crowd. Consider the print finish you’ll need on the outside. High-gloss? Liquid-based coating?

With regard to price, a good rule of thumb is to compare the cost to replace damaged goods inside the box versus paying for a suitable package with effective protection from the get-go.

3. Don’t cave in!

Consider all the stacking your custom product box will be required to do. It needs to withstand the how-many-boxes-in-a-carton phase along with its travels, moving and shuffling around to the retail shelf. Once it reaches the shelf, it needs to be in perfect shape in order to attract attention to its role as being the competitive display for your brand.

This is the case for a wide array of products and industries, including:

  • Over the counter (OTC) and prescription medicines
  • Vitamins and nutritional supplements
  • Medical devices
  • Cosmetics
  • Food and beverages
  • Consumer packaged goods

4. What’s on the outside counts as much as what’s on the inside.

orange-display-box-exampleWe understand at TPS Printing that superior stock quality is the basis for success for customizing and printing your box. For example, White SBS Cardboard Stock is the perfect solution for designing and printing various patterns and typefaces. It has the ability to print the same outstanding results at the end of the printing run as it does at the beginning.

Cardboard stock is beneficial to customize any kind of die-cutting and unique dimensions your packaging may need.

Rely on the experts at TPS Printing to help you choose the proper caliper (thickness or weight) for your package.

5. This one is just right!box-small-example

We have paperboard for folding, sleeves, trays, and more. This option is well suited for packaging products such as cosmetics, dairy, food, pharmaceuticals, supplements.

For additional strength, paperboard that has a fluted medium paper laminated onto it (corrugated) is durable and still adaptable.

There is also coordinating the packaging for the different sizes your product is made available. Convenient single-serve, two-pack bonus, six-pack, and other capacity bundles. Consistency, convenience, and durability are key.

Consideration to the shape and size of your custom printed box is important, too.  Striving for optimal ergonomics assures the ability of your customer to handle and open your goods with ease.


Do you have Questions about Packaging?

The TPS Printing Customer Care Team is ready to answer your questions about Packaging or any custom print project. Please request a quote or give us a call at 858.625.4111.

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What Are My Box Dimensions?

TPS Printing is a Pro at Printing Your Custom Box.

TPS Printing has turnkey packaging solutions and can help guide you through the packaging process every step of the way. TPS is a trusted commercial printing partner and has more than three decades of printing expertise. Their knowledgeable staff is ready to help you with your next packaging project. To learn more about packaging solutions suited for your needs, contact a member of the customer care team today.

Trusted for over 35 Years by Businesses and People Like You.

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